Hosted Phone System

Emmix will take care of all you voice needs. We handle install from A to Z, customize the phones to your companies need, and then do training so you get the most from it.

With Emmix Communications small business owners now have the opportunity to have a phone system with all of the capabilities and luxuries of the same phone systems that large business owners have the availability of. To make things even better you can have this opportunity and, in most cases, save money at the same time.
Emmix will take care of all your voice and communications needs. We will handle the installation process from start to finish and customize your phones to your companies needs. Then we will give you and your team personalized training so that you will be able to utilize the full potential of your new phone system.

A Unified Communications application designed to...

We take your companies budget and needs into account, then...

With Emmix Communications small business owners now have the...

With Emmix Communications you will always have direct access to our team including personal cell phone numbers.

We have customer that needed service and installed them in the same day.

Emmix uses latest in Technology to deliver communication to your business that are tailored to its needs